As soon as we have received your return, it will be checked and processed by us. Please allow us some time to confirm your return. Once it has been processed, the refund will be made in the following days to the payment method you used to place the order.
The purchase amount will be credited depending on the payment method:
Credit card
The credit will be credited back to the credit card account we have debited. You can view the chargeback on your next credit card statement. It is possible that the date of the chargeback is the same as the date of payment.
The amount will be credited to the PayPal account you used. You can decide for yourself whether the amount is deposited in your PayPal account or credited back to your bank account.
Gift voucher
The refund will be credited to your originally selected gift card. A cash payment of the balance is not possible. If you have combined the gift voucher with another payment method, we will offset the value of the voucher against the items you keep. We will refund the additional amount paid according to your chosen payment method.
Klarna invoice or instant purchase
Your refund will be forwarded to Klarna and processed via your chosen payment method.
If it takes more than 14 days for your refund or you need support, please contact our Customer Care Team, stating your order number and the items concerned.